Monday 1 February 2010

Assessment 5: Pitch Idea.

House Party
Drunk Driving
Sad Family
Recording of friend convincing her to drive
Photographs in the mail
Phone calls
Cops interviewing

Plot Synopsis

The storyline of our horror will be based on two young girls who are best friends but each of them are very different characters, Kristie is a manipulative person who pressures her vulnerable friend Chloe into doing things she would rather not, a lot of the time Chloe does things to please Kristie as she is scared of loosing their friendship.

One night both girls are sat talking, Kristie decides she wants to go out partying and persuades Chloe to go along, although Chloe is not fond of the idea she begins to start drinking alcohol anyway, as the night carries on Kristie believes it would be a good idea for Chloe, who has recently passed her test to drive them both into town rather than them having to pay for a taxi, Chloe refuses to go along with Kristie’s plan and strongly believes it’s a bad idea, but Kristie being the dominate character she is wont take no for an answer.

Little do they know, during Kristie pressuring Chloe to do these things Chloe’s boyfriend rings and she accidently answers it in her pocket enabling her boyfriend to hear the full conversation and what they where planning to do.

Before her boyfriend has the chance to do anything, both girls get into the car and with them being under the influence of alcohol find themselves having a huge car accident.

Unfortunately Chloe does no survive but Kristie pulls through, Chloe’s boyfriend who is heart broken cannot believe he has lost everything due to her controlling friend and wants revenge, as time passes Chloe’s boyfriend spends most of his time planning revenge by following Kristie and making her fear for her life.

Kristie knows she is being followed but doesn’t know who it is, moths go by and things are being posted through her door and she is being constantly threatened Kristie thinks she is going mad, and no one seems to care as the police and her family think it’s all in her head and she is just grieving for her friend.

Chloe’s boyfriend thinks it’s to easy to just take her life and starts making her life hell by destroying anything and anyone she cares about.

After Kristie has spent years of her life looking over her shoulder and being constantly stalked she ends up in a mental home where she is beyond help, Chloe’s boyfriend believes her has created the perfect punishment and she got what she deserved.

Opening Sequence

Our opening sequence will be up to the part where Kristie is being constantly followed and fears for her life, we believe this will be an interesting sequence as it pulls the viewer in and builds up tension about what is going to happen to her.

Also with Kristie not knowing who is following her it creates a sense of mystery to the sequence. We hope to make our opening sequence as interesting as possible, making it easy to follow and leave our audience on a cliff -hanger and wanting to watch more.

Target audience appeal

Our film will be targeted at people aged 15 and over, although our horror does not involve a lot of blood and gore which you would expect to see within a typical horror film, we are focusing on people who enjoy being built up for an interesting plot which the tension alone scares them. With our film, the audience are made to believe that in the end Kristie will get killed whereas we’ve added a twist to our film by letting her survive but her ending up in a mental home, therefore we are targeting people who like a twist within horror films.

Creative Techniques

As our sequence is mainly linked in with horror due to the amount of tension we wish to create we are thinking of using sounds such as:

Incidental music- to create an atmosphere

Strings/ Drum beats

Also we believe low key lighting would be a good source to use to create an atmosphere.

We are also thinking of using some interesting camera shots such as high angle\low angle shots, point of view shot, extreme close ups and over the shoulder shot, we are also thinking about how we could create some interesting angles within the car all of these shots we hope to achieve and build up a lot of tension and atmosphere.

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