Tuesday 26 January 2010

Assessment 2 Part 2: Analysis of Opening Sequence.

Analysis of My Bloody Valentine (0:08 – 4:48)

Editing - Establishing Shot: Animated newspapers.
Sound - Establishing Sound: Men talking, most likely a police press conference’s about murders. Slow Music, which speeds up, heavy drums. Makes the heart race. – Music abruptly stops when you see the hospital.
Mise - Hospital. Ambulance outside.
Camera – Crane shot that moves upwards.
Editing – Fade to Black.
Camera – Camera moves upwards and slowly moves to a tilt downwards on a man in a hospital bed.
Sound - Mans heavy breathing.
Abrupt cut to 2 men in a dark, grubby place.
Mise – The men are wearing One piece Blue work suits.
Sound - Synchronous Pic Axe smashing on metal gate sort of thing and dialog. 
Camera - Zoom, frames worker behind the metal gate. Cuts to another worker talking, underneath (low angle shot) that may show he is evil. Cuts back to other worker.
Editing - Shot reverse shot between the workers.
Sound - Underlying music. - Non diagetic.
Camera - Cut to an extreme close up of the man in the hospitals eye, also famed is his breathing tube. Cut again to a high angle of the man.
Sound  - Voices are playing through out  the sequence.
Camera - Cut back to the miners. Med- Long shot used but zoomed in on a specific guy.
Mise - Underground mine, Gas masks.
Sound - Music plays throughout the sequence building up tension to a very loud firey explosion. 
Camera - Long shot used to show the explosion building up and looks as if it is coming towards the miners. Fire engulfs the camera in a way and you cut to the same extreme close up of the man in hospitals eye, this time he wakes up.
Sound - Nothing bar slight breathing til the high angle shot where slight music starts in the background.
Mise - Very dark room, low key lighting.
Camera - Cut to an open door, nurse with a chart walks in. Camera tracks with the woman more like a point of view shot watching her.
Mise - Nurses outfit, Chart as prop. Light blue walls, very medical. Drip bag, ect.
Camera - Cut to long shot of a now empty bed. Camera starts to track woman again.
Sound - Music starts to become a little more prominent makes it build up.
Camera - Deep focus when woman stops and you see the man behind her. Camera then moves around to show him. It seems like a dolly was used to help zoom in.
Editing - Cut to animated title of the movie, My Bloody Valentine.
Sound - Screams in the background of sound effects, possibly the nurse from before which turns into sirens.
Camera - Cuts to the outside of the hospital again with police cars pulling up. This is a move high angle shot. As a few seconds go by the crane moves downward and closer to the action.
Sound - Music is very heavy. A sound perspective lets you hear maybe even insignificant things like the car door opening and closing. 
Camera- When the cops gets out of his car you have a long shot of him walking that zooms very slowly.
Mise - Typical cops outfit with black coat. Beard. Seems like he might like his donuts.
Camera - Pan as cops are walking into the hospital room.
Mise - Bloody hospital room, bodies in half. See hospital gown draped over the bed. A nurse is in a chair in her uniform with her heart ripped out. Sheriff already at scene with his blue gloves on to give a brief. 
Sound - Throught this there has been tension building music. Little ambient sounds such as walking and paper are also there. 
Camera - Very shallow focus to show a hand dripping a ton of blood. You can sort of make out that the cop is putting on gloves.
Sound - You hear the blood dripping quiet loudly, so another sound perspective. 
Camera // Mise - Cut to a angled shot of the bed the man was in earlier, this time there is a lot of blood and a heart on the wall. The curtain is torn and the bed also has a lot of blood soaked in.
Sound - Dialog of the cop as he reveals the girl with her heart ripped out of her in the bed.
Camera - Long shot that changes from a shallow focus to a deep with another sheriff behind the cop. The cop walks over, to the sheriff and then it cuts to a heart in a box of chocolates but cuts back to a long shot of the 2 men.
Sound - You still hear music and dialog.
Editing - The cut to the heart I believe was a cut-away.
Camera - Zoom in as the men are talking about retirement. The camera keeps focusing on the hearts, suggesting something about a hate of valentines day.
Mise - Heart is painted in blood on the mirror.
Camera - Point of view shot of the cop looking in the mirror, his face is framed in the heart.

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